A Traditional Catholic Latin Prayer Aid; What if we could gather, inspire and call upon a 1,000,000 families to pray the rosary everyday? I couldn’t find a Latin Rosary Podcast that I could pray along with… so I made one myself. I plan on adding Litanys, Chaplets and as many other prayer that Catholic’s should know in their Latin form. If you enjoy it, please subscribe and leave a review; it will help other’s find this podcast. God love you!
Monday Nov 12, 2018
Episode 17 - Réquiem ætérnam (Latin)
Monday Nov 12, 2018
Monday Nov 12, 2018
Salvete, greetings to all of you. In this month of November as we pray for the blessed dead, may this ancient and beautiful prayer for the poor souls in purgatory enrich and deepen your prayer life.
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine.
Et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Fidelium animae, per misericordiam Dei,
Requiescant in pace. Amen.
It would mean a lot to me if you could leave a review on iTunes; The podcast has been downloaded over 15,000 times and we now have listeners in 50 Countries but still very few ratings. Ratings helps others find this podcast and I would love you to not only help share it by rating it but also by reccomending it to your families and friends.
We are living in dark times (in and outside of the Church) which now more than ever requires you and me, ordinary men and women to fight with all our might for the salvation of souls and our own sanctity. Prayer is the foundation that grounds us as well as the wings that draw us close to God. It is the beginning.
If you have any prayers you'd like to request, or comments and/or suggestions - please email me at dylandrego@me.com. Know that if you are listening to this, I am praying for you. Please continue to pray with me and for me.
May everything you do be Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.
God Love You!
Valete (Goodbye)
Saturday Nov 10, 2018
Episode 16 - Extra Rosary Prayer (Latin)
Saturday Nov 10, 2018
Saturday Nov 10, 2018
Salvete, greetings to all of you. This is the prayer that is said after the Salve Regina and should complete the set of prayers of the Rosary in Latin. The words are below. I still have more prayers to come. Thank you to all of you for continuing to listen to this podcast and praying with me and for me and family.
It would mean a lot to me if you could leave a review on iTunes; The podcast has been downloaded over 15,000 times and we now have listeners in 50 Countries but still very few ratings. Ratings helps others find this podcast and I would love you to not only help share it by rating it but also by reccomending it to your families and friends.
We are living in dark times (in and outside of the Church) which now more than ever requires you and me, ordinary men and women to fight with all our might for the salvation of souls and our own sanctity. Prayer is the foundation that grounds us as well as the wings that draw us close to God. It is the beginning.
If you have any prayers you'd like to request, or comments and/or suggestions - please email me at dylandrego@me.com. Know that if you are listening to this, I am praying for you. Please continue to pray with me and for me.
May everything you do be Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.
God Love You!
Valete (Goodbye)
Déus, cújus Unigénitus per vítam, mórtem et resurrectiónem súam nóbis salútis ætérnæ præmia comparávit: concéde, quæsumus: ut hæc mystéria sacratíssimo beátæ Maríæ Vírginis Rosário recoléntes, et imitémur quod cóntinent, et quod promíttunt, assequámur. Per eúndem Chrístum Dóminum nóstrum. Amen.
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Episode 15 - Memorare (Latin)
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Wednesday Nov 07, 2018
Salvete, greetings to all of you. Forgive the long silence and absence. I never intended the long break but as with all endeavours that further the Kingdom of God, they are subject to attack and only with the grace of God have I found my way through an incredibly tough year. Thank you to all of you for continuing to listen to this podcast and praying with me and for me and family.
It would mean a lot to me if you could leave a review on iTunes; The podcast has been downloaded over 15,000 times and we now have listeners in 50 Countries but still very few ratings. Ratings helps others find this podcast and I would love you to not only help share it by rating it but also by reccomending it to your families and friends.
We are living in dark times (in and outside of the Church) which now more than ever requires you and me, ordinary men and women to fight with all our might for the salvation of souls and our own sanctity. Prayer is the foundation that grounds us as well as the wings that draw us close to God. It is the beginning.
Know that if you are listening to this, I am praying for you. Please continue to pray with me and for me.
May everything you do be Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.
God Love You!
Valete (Goodbye)
MEMORARE, O piissima Virgo Maria, non esse auditum a saeculo, quemquam ad tua currentem praesidia, tua implorantem auxilia, tua petentem suffragia, esse derelictum. Ego tali animatus confidentia, ad te, Virgo Virginum, Mater, curro, ad te venio, coram te gemens peccator assisto. Noli, Mater Verbi, verba mea despicere; sed audi propitia et exaudi. Amen.
Saturday Aug 05, 2017
Episode 14 - Chaplet of Divine Mercy (Latin)
Saturday Aug 05, 2017
Saturday Aug 05, 2017
Salvete, greetings to all of you. Here is the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. If you are looking for the structure of this prayer and its complete prayers in English please Click Here. I'm assuming that most of you are already familiar with the structure and the prayers in English so I've put the Latin text below so you can follow along and learn the prayer in Latin.
As a side note to grow this podcasts followers and to expand it, from time to time I will be uploading episodes that do not have prayers but will be a reflection, discussion, interview or even tips related to all things Latin Prayer, not only to preserve but develop this wonderful tradition in your prayer life and that of your families and friends.
It would mean a lot to me if you could leave a review on iTunes; The podcast has been downloaded over 3000 times and we now have listeners in 30 Countries but still no ratings. Ratings helps others find this podcast and I would love you to not only help share it by rating it but also by reccomending it to your families and friends.
I should have The Chaplet of St. Michael ready for you in 2 weeks time.
May everything you do be Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.
God Love You!
Valete (Goodbye)
Signum Crucis: Sign of the Cross
In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
Pater Noster: Our Father
Pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomen tuum. Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo.
Ave Maria: Hail Mary
Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.
Symbolum Apostolorum: Apostles Creed
Credo in Deum Patrem omnipotentem, Creatorem caeli et terrae. Et in Iesum Christum, Filium eius unicum, Dominum nostrum, qui conceptus est de Spiritu Sancto, natus ex Maria Virgine, passus sub Pontio Pilato, crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus, descendit ad inferos, tertia die resurrexit a mortuis, ascendit ad caelos, sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris omnipotentis, inde venturus est iudicare vivos et mortuos. Credo in Spiritum Sanctum, sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam, sanctorum communionem, remissionem peccatorum, carnis resurrectionem, vitam aeternam. Amen.
Pater Aeterne Eternal Father
Pater aeterne, offero tibi Corpus et Sanguinem, animam et divinitatem dilectissimi Filii Tui, Domini nostri, Iesu Christi, in propitiatione pro peccatis nostris et totius mundi.
Response For the sake of His sorrowful passion...
Pro dolorosa Eius passione, miserere nobis et totius mundi.
Sanctus Deus Holy God
Sanctus Deus, Sanctus Fortis, Sanctus Immortalis, miserere nobis et totius mundi.
Signum Crucis: Sign of the Cross
In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.
Thursday Jul 20, 2017
Episode 13 – My Personal Night Prayer (Non Latin)
Thursday Jul 20, 2017
Thursday Jul 20, 2017
Thank you so much for all your prayers and patience. My wife and I are now parents to 3 boys. Benedict is now 2 months old, Baptized, healthy and strong and so is my wife. His brothers are thrilled! We are truly blessed. This has been the main reason for my hiatus. I am back and have been looking forward to pick up from where we left off in publishing. To follow suit with my last post, here is my personal Night Prayer & Examen; Like the my morning offering it is not in Latin but I do hope to translate it one day and learn it. I composed it by taking bits and peices of other prayers that I love and compliing them to suit those things that weigh upon my heart.
The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is recorded and will be next to be uploaded to be followed by Chaplet of St. Michael.
I hope this Night Prayer inspires you to write your own and if not, feel free to pray along with me and know that if you are listening to this podcast, that I’m praying for you daily. Please pray for me and my family also.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.
Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Sacred Heart of my Lord Jesus Christ, with all Its Love, all its sufferings, and all its merits:
TO EXPIATE all the sins I have committed this day, and during all my life. GB.
TO PURIFY the good I have done poorly this day, and during all my life. GB.
TO SUPPLY for the good I ought to have done, and that I have neglected this day and during all my life GB.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.
Through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and with every beat of our hearts we consecrate ourselves, to your most Sacred Heart O Jesus, that with every breath of our bodies may we breathe in Christ and breathe out sin and all its effects on and in our lives; O Woman of Genesis, crush the head of satan this night, in our hearts, in our flesh and in our home; grant we implore thee Queen of Angels, to bless our home with the powerful presence of thy Holy Angels that they may protect us, guard this space and assist us in receiving the infinite graces of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus through your immaculate hands.
May the infinite graces we receive into our souls transmit Christ’s life into to our bodies that even while we sleep, we may overcome our defects in this life and grow in holiness to become saints. Knowing that I have received rights over my family, by the promulgation of the Divine and Natural Law by the Divine Author, O Blessed Mother through you I now ask Jesus my Lord and my God to Bless and renew my wife and children; strengthen them O Lord that they may grow in holiness and may all that I have asked for this night through the intercession of our Patron Saints, be applied to them. May it also be applied to my extended family, relatives, friends and enemies, particularly those who have requested my prayers. O Sacred Heart of Jesus have mercy on us. Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us. O Terror of demons St. Joseph, pray for us. Most Holy Guardian Angels, to whose care & protection our family is entrusted, pray for us. Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Rafael, all you Hosts of Heaven & Saints, intercessors on who we desperately rely to make up for whatever is lacking in our prayer this night, pray for us.
Thank you to all of you who are listening and praying along with this podcast! it has been downloaded over 2900 times which is far more than I anticipated – It is a blessing to have so many of us in different parts of the world praying the Holy Rosary and other prayers together. Please share it with your friends and families. Let us ask our Blessed Mother interceed for us poor souls on this pilgrimage in the Valley of Tears. Let us pray for our families, our friends and those in most need of conversion.
Currently we have no reviews on Itunes – If you do like this podcast, please consider leaving a review as it will help other’s beyond your circle to find it on iTunes and PodBean.
Please be patient with the uploading of new prayers – they are on their way. Till then,
May everything you do be Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.
God Love You!
Valete (Goodbye)
Friday May 26, 2017
Episode 12 - My Personal Morning Offering (Non Latin)
Friday May 26, 2017
Friday May 26, 2017
Here is my personal morning offering; although not in Latin I do hope to translate it one day and learn it. I composed it by taking bits and peices of other prayers that I love and compliing them to suit those things that weigh upon my heart.
I have the Chaplet of Divine Mercy recorded and it is half way through the editing stage as well as the Chaplet of St. Michael recorded. Our Baby has not arrived but is due anytime in the next week - please pray for us. We are nearly settled into our new home but things are gooing a little slower than I would like with editing and uploading due to unfinished lingering house projects.
Regardless, I do hope this morning offering inspires you to write your own and if not, feel free to pray along with me and know that I'm praying for you also.
I give Thee thanks O Lord for having preserved my family and me this past night. May all my thoughts, words and deeds this day be pleasing to Thee and in accordance with Thy holy will. I wish to gain all the merits and indulgences attached to them and I offer them in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass being celebrated on all the altars throughout the world, joining with it the offering my prayers, works, joys, sufferings and mortifications, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, that she may best apply them in the interests of Thy Most Sacred Heart; through the Immaculata we come seeking reparation for all our past and present sins and we ask for perfect fidelity to Thy grace so that in this life we may reach the level of perfection in grace and virtue that You desire for us so that we may become Thy saints.
We lift up to You our dead and all the pour souls in purgatory - Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them; may their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. We thank You for having heard and answered all of our prayers and intentions and we beg that You continue to do so most especially for those who have requested our prayers. We lift up to You our enemies Lord, bless them for even we bless them and do not curse them.
We lift up to you those who do not know You and do not love You, and most especially those of us who do know You but do not love You enough. We ask You Lord that by the foot of the Virgin Most Powerful and by the power and beauty of her most Immaculate Heart, to crush the head of Satan in our hearts and in our lives. Make our hearts like hers, so intimately united and one with ?Thine own Sacred Heart. Fill our hearts with the fire of Your burning love and increase our desire for Thee and let us never be wanting of anything while we are with Thee.
Bless and renew our Holy Father Pope Francis, all of the Cardinals and Bishops, all Priests and Deacons, all the religious and all the baptized lay faithful. Do not let us grow cold nor despondent but rather increase the fire of our love for Thee so that always, everywhere and in all things we may live, defend and promulgate You and Your Church O Lord, One, Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic, and all that it teaches...
For the Holy Father and his intentions, and for all these our petitions - most especially for the graces and virtues that we are lacking and are in most desperate need of today, we offer You now these prayers…OF, HM, GB.
Thank you to all of you who are listening and praying along with this podcast! it has been downloaded over 1900 times which is far more than I anticipated - It is a blessing to have so many of us in different parts of the world praying the Holy Rosary and other prayers together. Please share it with your friends and families. Let us ask our Blessed Mother interceed for us poor souls on this pilgrimage in the Valley of Tears. Let us pray for our families, our friends and those in most need of conversion.
Currently we have no reviews on Itunes - If you do like this podcast, please consider leaving a review as it will help other’s beyond your circle to find it on iTunes and PodBean. Know that if you are listening to this podcast, that I’m praying for you. Please pray for me and my family also, most especially I ask you all to keep my wife and unborn child in your prayers as we get ready for their arrival within the next 2 weeks.
Please be patient with the uploading of new prayers - they are on their way. Till then,
May everything you do be Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.
God Love You!
Valete (Goodbye)
Wednesday May 17, 2017
Episode 11 - Sáncte Míchael Archángele
Wednesday May 17, 2017
Wednesday May 17, 2017
A BIG thank you for your patience. Continuing with the Holy Rosary prayers, I decided to include the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel. Click the Play button above to pray/learn this prayer. The words are below in both Latin and in English.
Sáncte Míchael Archángele, defénde nos in proélio, cóntra nequítiam et insídias diáboli ésto præsídium. Ímperet ílli Déus, súpplices deprecámur: tuque, prínceps milítiæ cæléstis, Sátanam aliósque spíritus malígnos, qui ad perditiónem animárum pervagántur in múndo, divína virtúte, in inférnum detrúde. Ámen.
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.
Thank you to all of you who are listening and praying along with this podcast! it has been downloaded over 1700 times which is far more than I anticipated - It is a blessing to have so many of us in different parts of the world praying the Holy Rosary together. Please share it with your friends and families. Let us ask our Blessed Mother interceed for us poor souls on this pilgrimage in the Valley of Tears. Let us pray for our families, our friends and those in most need of conversion.
Currently we have no reviews on Itunes - If you do like this podcast, please consider leaving a review as it will help other’s beyond your circle to find it on iTunes and PodBean. Know that if you are listening to this podcast, that I’m praying for you. Please pray for me and my family also, most especially I ask you all to keep my wife and unborn child in your prayers as we get ready for their arrival within the next 2 weeks.
Please be patient with the uploading of new prayers - they are on their way. Till then,
May everything you do be Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.
God Love You!
Valete (Goodbye)
Tuesday May 02, 2017
Episode 10 - Update on the Podcast
Tuesday May 02, 2017
Tuesday May 02, 2017
Gaudete in Pascha and Happy Easter to you all. Let me first begin by saying how grateful I am to all of you listeners who are praying the Rosary in Latin. This podcast has been downloaded more than 1400 times and we now have listeners all over the world in 15 different countries. It warms my heart that there is such a love for praying the Holy Rosary in Latin.
I feel obligated to explain the lack of new prayers being uploaded to the podcast. I shall give you 5 reasons and hopefully you’ll understand my tardiness.
Please share it with your friends and families. Let us ask our Blessed Mother interceed for us poor souls on this pilgrimage in the Valley of Tears. Let us pray for our families, our friends and those in most need of conversion.
If you do like this podcast, please consider leaving a review as it will help other’s beyond your circle to find it on iTunes and PodBean. Know that if you are listening to this podcast, that I’m praying for you. Please pray for me and my family also, most especially I ask you all to keep my wife and unborn child in your prayers as we get ready for their arrival within the month.
Please be patient with the uploading of new prayers - they are on their way. Till then,
May everything you do be Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.
God Love You!
Valete (Goodbye)
Saturday Mar 11, 2017
Litaniae Lauretanae Beatae Maria Virginis
Saturday Mar 11, 2017
Saturday Mar 11, 2017
This podcast episode on the Litany of Loreto has been very very long overdue. Thank you for your patience. Next up will be the Memorare and the remaining Holy Rosary prayers. Click the Play button above to pray/learn this prayer. The words are below.
Kyrie, eleison.
Christe, eleison.
Kyrie, eleison.
Christe, audi nos.
Christe, exaudi nos.Pater de caelis, Deus, …………………. miserere nobis.
Fili, Redemptor mundi, Deus,
Spiritus Sancte, Deus,
Sancta Trinitas, unus Deus,
Sancta Maria, ………………………….. ora pro nobis.
Sancta Dei Genetrix,
Sancta Virgo virginum,
Mater Christi,
Mater divinae gratiae,
Mater purissima,
Mater castissima,
Mater inviolata,
Mater intemerata,
Mater amabilis,
Mater admirabilis,
Mater boni consilii,
Mater Creatoris,
Mater Salvatoris,
Virgo prudentissima,
Virgo veneranda,
Virgo praedicanda,
Virgo potens,
Virgo clemens,
Virgo fidelis,
Speculum iustitiae,
Sedes sapientiae,
Causa nostrae laetitiae,
Vas spirituale,
Vas honorabile,
Vas insigne devotionis,
Rosa mystica,
Turris Davidica,
Turris eburnea,
Domus aurea,
Foederis arca,
Ianua caeli,
Stella matutina,
Salus infirmorum,
Refugium peccatorum,
Consolatrix afflictorum,
Auxilium Christianorum,
Regina Angelorum,
Regina Patriarcharum,
Regina Prophetarum,
Regina Apostolorum,
Regina Martyrum,
Regina Confessorum,
Regina Virginum,
Regina Sanctorum omnium,
Regina sine labe originali concepta,
Regina in caelum assumpta,
Regina sacratissimi Rosarii,
Regina pacis,
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
parce nobis, Domine.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
exaudi nos, Domine.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi,
miserere nobis.V. Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei Genetrix.
R. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Christi.Oremus. Concede nos famulos tuos, quaesumus, Domine Deus, perpetua
mentis et corporis salute gaudere, et gloriosae beatae Mariae semper
Virginis intercessione, a praesenti liberari tristitia, et aeterna perfrui
laetitia. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.
R. Amen.
Thank you to all of you who are listening and praying along with this podcast! it has been downloaded over 400 times which is far more than I anticipated - It is a blessing to have so many of us in different parts of the world praying the Holy Rosary together. Please share it with your friends and families. Let us ask our Blessed Mother interceed for us poor souls on this pilgrimage in the Valley of Tears. Let us pray for our families, our friends and those in most need of conversion.
If you do like this podcast, please consider leaving a review as it will help other’s beyond your circle to find it on iTunes and PodBean. Know that if you are listening to this podcast, that I’m praying for you. I ask that you please pray for me and my family also.
God Love You!
Valete (Goodbye)
Tuesday Feb 28, 2017
Salve Regina
Tuesday Feb 28, 2017
Tuesday Feb 28, 2017
This podcast episode on the Salve Regina has been long overdue. Thank you for your patience. I am working on the Litany of Loreto as well as the Memorare and the remaining Holy Rosary prayers. Click the Play button above to pray/learn this prayer. The words are below.
Salve Regína,
Mater misericórdiæ,
vita, dulcédo et spes nostra, salve.
Ad te clamámus,
éxsules fílii Evæ.
Ad te suspirámus geméntes et flentes
in hac lacrimárum valle.
Eia ergo, advocáta nostra,
illos tuos misericórdes óculos
ad nos convérte.
Et Iesum benedíctum fructum ventris tui,
nobis, post hoc exsílium, osténde.O clemens, o pia, o dulcis Virgo María!
Ora pro nobis, sancta Dei génetrix.
Ut digni efficiámur promissiónibus Christi.Divínum auxílium máneat semper nobíscum.
Thank you to all of you who are listening and praying along with this podcast; it has been downloaded over 150 times which amazes me! It is because I know that you (the listeners) are listening and praying that I desire to continue to record and publish more episodes. Please share it with your friends and families.
If you do like this podcast, consider leaving a review as it will help other’s beyond your circle to find it on iTunes and PodBean. Know that if you are listening to this podcast, that I’m praying for you. Please pray for me and my family also.
God Love You!
Valete (Goodbye)
Thursday Feb 23, 2017
Grace After Meals
Thursday Feb 23, 2017
Thursday Feb 23, 2017
This is the traditional "We give Thee thanks" prayer for after meals in Latin.
Click the Play button above to pray/learn this prayer. The words are below.
Ágimus Tíbi grátias omnípotens Déus, pro univérsis benefíciis Tuis: qui vívis et régnas in saécula saeculórum.
If you do like this podcast, consider leaving a review as it will help other’s find it on iTunes and PodBean. Know that if you are listening to this podcast, that I’m praying for you. Please pray for me and my family also.
God Love You!
Valete (Goodbye)
Sunday Feb 19, 2017
Grace Before Meals
Sunday Feb 19, 2017
Sunday Feb 19, 2017
This is the traditional "Bless us O Lord" prayer in Latin.
Benedíc nos Dómine et haec Túa dóna quae de Túa largitáte súmus sumptúri. Per Chrístum Dóminum nóstrum.
Sunday Feb 05, 2017
The Rosary in Latin - The Sorrowful Mysteries
Sunday Feb 05, 2017
Sunday Feb 05, 2017
Here is the last set of Mysteries. Next I plan on adding the prayers said at the end of the Holy Rosary. The Litany of Loretto will follow soon after. Stay tuned.
To find the prayers to pray along please vist: https://www.ewtn.com/library/PRAYER/LATROSAR.htm
Friday Feb 03, 2017
The Rosary in Latin - The Luminous Mysteries
Friday Feb 03, 2017
Friday Feb 03, 2017
To find the prayers to pray along please vist: https://www.ewtn.com/library/PRAYER/LATROSAR.htm
Friday Feb 03, 2017
The Rosary in Latin - The Joyful Mysteries
Friday Feb 03, 2017
Friday Feb 03, 2017
To find the prayers to pray along please vist: https://www.ewtn.com/library/PRAYER/LATROSAR.htm
Friday Feb 03, 2017
The Rosary in Latin - The Glorious Mysteries
Friday Feb 03, 2017
Friday Feb 03, 2017
To find the prayers to pray along please vist: https://www.ewtn.com/library/PRAYER/LATROSAR.htm
Monday Jan 16, 2017
Monday Jan 16, 2017
Monday Jan 16, 2017
If you do like this podcast, consider leaving a review as it will help other’s find it on iTunes and PodBean. Know that if you are listening to this podcast, that I'm praying for you. Please pray for me and my family also.
God Love You!
Valete (Goodbye)